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Top Tips for Incoming Music Majors
The big moment is here. Finally you’re packing your bags, saying your goodbyes, and heading off into the unknown. Here are some tips for helping you settle in at college...
Should young people with thick lips be discouraged from playing the French horn?
It’s been said many times by band directors and teachers that students with larger lips should be discouraged from playing French horn, and that those with thin lips will have...
How to Successfully Collaborate: tips on working with a pianist
As brass players, we are very fortunate to have many incredible solos written for us. In order to present the vast majority of these works, we’ll end up working with...
Transposition Teaching Tips for French Horn
Full disclosure: like so many other horn players of my age, my earliest transposition experiences in high school consisted of assignments from the Kopprasch book played in various keys. However,...
Let’s talk about French horn cases!
Join Dr. Derek J. Wright as he discuss some of the different detachable bell French horn cases available and the things you should consider when shopping for a new case!
Should you go to music school?
Join Dr. Derek J. Wright and Mark Houghton as they discuss the question, “Should you go to music school?” Is it a fruitful pursuit or a complete waste of time...
How can I improve high range on French horn?
As an educator and clinician, I am asked this question frequently. Hopefully I can provide some answers for those of you who are interested in helping yourself or others in...
Houghton Horns Presents – Online KBHC Experience 2021
For Kendall Betts Horn Camp this year, Karen Houghton, Dr. Derek J. Wright, and Dennis Houghton were invited to lead informative video presentations! Karen shares her thoughts and experience on private teaching beginning...
Right-Hand Position on the Horn: tips & techniques for young players
Though many professional horn players utilize slightly different right-hand positions, all of us can agree that the hand should be inserted far enough into the bell to control tone and...
Categorizing a Trombone
Anatomy of a Trombone Hand Slide Valve Tuning Slide F-Attachment Slide Bell Leadpipe Types of Trombone Tenor Trombone Most beginners start on a tenor trombone, and that’s what most people...
Do you need to occasionally take a break from playing?
Mark Houghton and Dr. Derek Wright talk about avoiding burnout and repetitive stress injuries as a musician.
Private Teaching Studio Policies & Guidelines
When I was growing up, both of my parents maintained private studios for teaching French horn. I can scarcely remember a week passing without students visiting our house for regular...