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Removing Instrument Lubricant Stains from Fabric
Here's some tips and techniques for getting stubborn synthetic oil stains out of your clothes!
Care and Maintenance of a Trombone
Maintaining your trombone is one of the most important things we can do as musicians. It maintains the longevity of your instrument and makes it easier to play. It this...
Lubricant Substitution Chart
A few notes of warning regarding this chart: 1. If you must change lubricant brands, try to remove as much of the old lubricant as possible from the instrument before applying...
It’s Aliiiiiiiiiive! Long-term Storage and Retrieval of Brass Instruments
When we pick up a musical instrument, we all intend to stick with it for the rest of our lives. Unfortunately, sometimes interest wanes or other life obligations intervene, and...
What’s That Spot? Identifying Marks on Your Brass Instrument
A brass instrument can be a huge investment, so owners definitely want to keep them in tip-top shape. We hear from customers who are worried about a strange spot on their instrument....
Houghton Horns Presents – Online KBHC Experience 2021
For Kendall Betts Horn Camp this year, Karen Houghton, Dr. Derek J. Wright, and Dennis Houghton were invited to lead informative video presentations! Karen shares her thoughts and experience on private teaching beginning...
Dennis Houghton Repair Livestream
Have you ever been interested in instrument repair? Join Houghton Horns founder Dennis Houghton as he talks through and works on brass instruments.
Horn Spa Day!
Learn more about the horn survival kit here.
Horn Survival Kit Unboxing
Learn more about the horn survival kit here.
Where the Rubber Meets the Rotor: Knowing which rotor bumpers to buy
At Houghton Horns we use a very sharp razor blade to precisely trim bumpers, so only try this at home if you are comfortable shaving 1 mm slivers of material...
French Horn Annual Cleaning — Very Satisfying!
Is it time to get your horn cleaned? Schedule your repair appointment now.