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Removing Instrument Lubricant Stains from Fabric
Here's some tips and techniques for getting stubborn synthetic oil stains out of your clothes!
Care and Maintenance of a Trombone
Maintaining your trombone is one of the most important things we can do as musicians. It maintains the longevity of your instrument and makes it easier to play. It this...
Should I Get a C Trumpet?
Beginner or Casual Enthusiast Nearly all beginners in the US start on Bb trumpets. Most bands have students playing Bb trumpet parts and not C trumpet parts. Students generally...
Top 10 Problems Facing Beginner Trombonists (And How You Can Help!)
Interested in how to help your beginning trombonist improve? Read up on our
Choosing Leadpipes for Your Trombone
Why do leadpipes make a difference for trombone players? The leadpipe is the first point of contact with the trombone, so it's very important to discover which leadpipe works best for you....
Lubricant Substitution Chart
A few notes of warning regarding this chart: 1. If you must change lubricant brands, try to remove as much of the old lubricant as possible from the instrument before applying...
The Big Decision: Auditioning for Music Schools
So you’ve decided to major in music — congratulations on making such a huge life decision! (If you’re still unsure and want to read some more on being a music...
HORNS LOUD AND PROUD: The importance of dynamics for young horn players
Beginners who are encouraged to play with a big, relaxed sound will eventually develop a more refined tone as they progress. Even though the first sounds may be a bit...
It’s Aliiiiiiiiiive! Long-term Storage and Retrieval of Brass Instruments
When we pick up a musical instrument, we all intend to stick with it for the rest of our lives. Unfortunately, sometimes interest wanes or other life obligations intervene, and...
What’s That Spot? Identifying Marks on Your Brass Instrument
A brass instrument can be a huge investment, so owners definitely want to keep them in tip-top shape. We hear from customers who are worried about a strange spot on their instrument....
Choosing the Correct Rim Inner Diameter for your French Horn Mouthpiece
Many manufacturers of French Horn mouthpieces offer their models in different inner diameters. Laskey offers their “G” mouthpiece in sizes ranging from 17 mm to 18.5 mm (725G-85G). Our Verus...
Top Tips for New Band Members
Are you joining a middle school or high school band this year? We asked some teachers and former band students for advice for the newcomers. Practice, Practice, Practice Band is...