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Private Teaching Studio Policies & Guidelines
When I was growing up, both of my parents maintained private studios for teaching French horn. I can scarcely remember a week passing without students visiting our house for regular...
Baylor University Summer Music Camps
For over 40 years, Baylor University Summer Music Camps have offered amazing opportunities for musical growth. The 2021 sessions will feature BU faculty in an engaging virtual experience. Click here...
Pro Tips for Working Musicians
Those of us who perform live music professionally are (hopefully) seeing the first glimmers of a return to work in the near future. With that in mind, I thought it...
Yamaha Sounds of Spring Rebate 2021
$100 consumer rebates on the purchase of new Yamaha professional & ‘Custom’ instruments from April 1 to June 30, 2021. $50 consumer rebates on the purchase of new Yamaha intermediate...
Effective Practice
I recently compiled some thoughts on achieving effective practice sessions. These concepts are universally applicable for all instrumentalists, not just horn players like myself! Planning. Plan regular times for your...
10 Steps for Building and Maintaining a Successful Private Teaching Studio
I have been a private horn teacher for over forty-five years. In fact, my husband Dennis was my first pupil! He was a sophomore and I was a junior at...
Conical or Cylindrical Brass – and Who Cares!?
Is your brass instrument conical or cylindrical? Read below to find out and why it matters! A conical bore instrument is one in which the bore diameter gradually increases throughout...
8 Steps for Helping Students Achieve Success
After teaching private horn lessons for over forty years (and living to tell about it!) I would like to share some ideas and routines that have helped my young students to...
Buying an instrument for your child? Read this first!
This article covers five important considerations that will help ensure that you make the best decision. Purchasing an instrument for your child is at once an investment into their continued...