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What’s in a Name?
A while back, we wrote an article about how we should call the horn ‘the horn’, rather than ‘the French horn’, as per the 1971 clarification of the topic issued by...
Top Tips for Incoming Music Majors
The big moment is here. Finally you’re packing your bags, saying your goodbyes, and heading off into the unknown. Here are some tips for helping you settle in at college...
TBA Retrospective
My personal reflections on TBA 2021… Like many other people, this was my first convention in 16 long months. Houghton Horns has had to be creative and flexible during the...
How to Successfully Collaborate: tips on working with a pianist
As brass players, we are very fortunate to have many incredible solos written for us. In order to present the vast majority of these works, we’ll end up working with...
Private Teaching Studio Policies & Guidelines
When I was growing up, both of my parents maintained private studios for teaching French horn. I can scarcely remember a week passing without students visiting our house for regular...
Baylor University Summer Music Camps
For over 40 years, Baylor University Summer Music Camps have offered amazing opportunities for musical growth. The 2021 sessions will feature BU faculty in an engaging virtual experience. Click here...
Pro Tips for Working Musicians
Those of us who perform live music professionally are (hopefully) seeing the first glimmers of a return to work in the near future. With that in mind, I thought it...