Woohoo! They did it! Your student has persevered through years of essays and standardized testing to snag that priceless diploma. Here are some suggestions for colorful and practical gifts that show your pride in their remarkable achievements.
Gifts Under $50
Alessi ExcerptUp ($15)
As musicians we must be able to play ALL the orchestral excerpts, but some we don’t practice nearly enough. The ExcerptUp brings some fun and play to the daily practice grind. [Link]
Band Is Horrible Card Game ($39.99)
"Band is life, and sometimes that sucks. Let’s play cards." Your graduate and their friends will get hours of laughs out of this relatable and witty game. Collect the whole series:
- Band is Horrible (base game)
- Orchestras Are Awful (base game)
- Orchestra Directors Only (expansion pack - 18+)
Brass Instrument Earrings (currently on sale for $19.95!)
These earrings are hand-made by our horn specialist Katie Evans! You can choose French horn, trumpet, or trombone, and she is happy to build you a pair in the colors of your choice. [Link]
Brass Witch Magnetic Pencil Holder ($35.00)
This product is the first of its kind made for all types of brass instruments, allowing you to remove and attach a pencil quickly. The innovative design won’t scratch or mark up the instrument like the other hard plastic options. [Link]
Brasstache ($8.99)
I mean, who doesn't need a plastic mustache that attaches to their leadpipe? Great for themed shows, cosplay, or just goofing around, the Brasstache reminds hardworking musicians not to take themselves too seriously. [Link]
French Horn Kazoo ($23.95)
Yup, it's a kazoo in the shape of a French horn. [Link]
Horn Survival Kit ($52.95)
Everything your French horn player needs to maintain their instrument in tip-top condition, all in one convenient carry pouch. [Link]
Marcus Bonna Mute Bag (From $29.95)
Show off your style with this colorful nylon mute bag! Options for French horn, tenor trombone, or bass trombone mutes. [Link]
Robinson's Remedies (From $9.25)
A leading irritation for brass musicians is sore, cracked lips. Give your graduate the gift of comfort with these all-natural lip balms formulated specifically for musicians. [Link]
The Spit Catcher (From $11.45)
Your student will tell you that stuff leaking out of their instrument is just water, but I hate to break it to you - they're lying. Keep that gross stuff off the carpet with a Spit Catcher. [Link]
Verus Horn Strap ($35.95)
The Verus Horn Strap is designed to relieve left-hand tension, keep the left fingers properly aligned with the valves, and reduce pinky strain. It fits every French horn on the market and is a great accessory for any level of horn player, especially off-the-leg players. [Link]
Verus Universal Hand Guard for French Horn ($35.95)
Each Verus hand guard is hand-made by our repair technician Chris Wright out of genuine leather. [Link]
Houghton Horns Gift Cards (From $15.00)
Give your student the gift of choice with a merchandise gift card, so they can pick out the colors, sizes, and styles that suit them best. Or cover their next annual cleaning with a repair gift card, so their beloved instrument plays as smooth as silk.
Gifts Under $250
Marcus Bonna Mute Holder Attachment for Sheet Music Stand ($76.95)
Stomvi UpMute (From $99.00)
The UpMute is a great practice mute that allows you to “feel” when you’re using too much effort. The idea is to play your instrument with the UpMute and use the least amount of effort to produce the tone. In other words, be extremely relaxed and don’t use too much air. Then remove the mute and play your instrument with the same amount of effort and you will be amazed at how much easier it is to play and how full and resonant your sound is. Choose between:
Stomvi UpSound ($129.95)
The UpSound is a warm-up and practice device for use with brass instrument mouthpieces. It's great for practicing or warming up in situations where using the instrument is impractical, working on ear training and pitch control, and focusing on embouchure and breath control. [Link]
Yamaha Silent Brass (From $234.95)
For that horn player on the road who needs to get in their practice without disturbing the people around them. Once the player puts in the headphones, the Brass Resonance Modeling system will make it sound to them as if they aren't using a mute at all, even though the noise their instrument is producing is greatly reduced. Choose between:
BAGS of Spain Cases (Fom $535.00)
These delightfully colorful cases are hand-made in Spain. Some of our favorite models include:
- Case for 3 Trumpets
- Detachable Bell French Horn Flight Case
- Fixed Bell French Horn Case
- Detachable Bell Tenor Trombone Flight Case
Marcus Bonna Square Backpack Bag with Room for Horn (From $495.00)
An expandable backpack that also functions as a horn case, with a plethora of pockets and storage options! Our best-selling case. [Link]
Marcus Bonna MB-SD Case for French Horn (From $495.00)
Our staff's top pick for light and easy travel. The bell section of the case unzips from the body, so it fits easily under your seat on an airplane. [Link]
Marcus Bonna Tenor Trombone Light Case (From $675.00)
This case is lightweight and travel-friendly, plus it provides that famed Marcus Bonna safety and protection. [Link]

Marcus Bonna Case for Two Piston Trumpets (From $475.00)
This case fits 2 piston trumpets in Bb, C, D, Eb, or F; or a piccolo trumpet or cornet. Foam inserts are adjustable for a perfect fit. A compartment inside and the front bag provide space for accessories. [Link]
Wiseman Wooden Cases (From $667.00)
These elegant and distinguished cases are CRAZY protective - check out this video of them being dropped down stairs and thrown into ponds. [Link]
Note: We recommend against buying anything labeled "Pre-Order", "Backorder", or "Out of Stock" before confirming with us that we will be able to ship you your product before graduation.
Need personalized advice? Contact us at 817-993-6400 ex. 1 or sales@houghtonhorns.com and we’ll be happy to offer individualized suggestions.