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20 Questions with John DiCesare
John DiCesare is Principal Tuba of the Seattle Symphony, the Colorado Music Festival, and former Principal Tuba of the Louisville Orchestra. He has performed with he orchestras of Cleveland, Cincinnati,...
Why is the French horn so hard to play?
The French horn is widely considered to be the most difficult brass instrument to play. Proficiency on any musical instrument is a challenging endeavor, as each one presents its own...
The Best French Horn for School Music Programs
In a video geared toward educators, Dr. Derek Wright of Houghton Horns explains the tremendous qualities of the Verus model V/VG French Horn.
15 Essential Solos for the Aspiring Trombonist
When making this list, I considered primarily original works written for the solo trombone and not arrangements made for the trombone. Unlike a number of the other “standard” instruments, the...
Why do French horns face backwards?
The reason the French horn is played with the bell facing backwards lies in the rich history and development of the instrument. The horn was originally used as a signaling...
New innovations from Marcus Bonna
Commuting safely on a bicycle with your instrument is now a breeze, thanks to these new products from Marcus Bonna! The MB luggage rack, case holder, and safety light are...