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DFW Brass Events: February 2018
2/12 at 4:30pm – UNT Guest Artist Lecture: Phil Brown, Conn Selmer 2/15, 2/16, & 2/18– Dallas Symphony Orchestra feat. Jorgen van Rijen 2/16 at 8pm – Garland...
Airline Carry-On Instrument Policies
The larger airlines seem to agree on how to accommodate musical instruments. Most allow you to walk aboard with a smaller case at no extra charge. But it’s always best...
Bach Artist Select Program
Vincent Bach, owned and operated by Conn-Selmer, maintains the Bach Artist Select Program, allowing Bach Artists to make trips up to their factory in Elkhart, Indiana, to select the best...
How Do I Choose a French Horn?
Finding the right French horn for yourself can be a difficult task. However, with some guidance and a methodical approach, you will find an instrument that you will be happy...
20 Questions on the 20th featuring Jennifer Montone
Introducing “20 on 20”, our new segment airing on the 20th of each month, we’ll post 20 questions that were answered by musician friends of the shop! January 2018 features...
How Do I Care for My Detachable Bell French Horn?
Most modern horns have a detachable bell for travel and carrying convenience. To attach the bell: Hold the horn normally with the left hand on the valves, and your pinky...
How Do I Change the String on My French Horn?
All horns will either have the lever arm extensions below the rotor screw (see column A) or above it (see column B), depending on the rotor. Follow the diagrams appropriately. ...
How Do I Clean My French Horn?
Cleaning inside the horn Cleaning the leadpipe is an effective way to keep the inside of your horn clean. The best way to do this is to use a cleaning...
How Do I Oil My French Horn?
The following notes and diagrams will tell you how to ensure that your instrument stays in top condition, avoiding expensive repair bills and allowing you to focus on making music....
Rauch Bell Conversion Time-Lapse
Is your instrument due for its annual cleaning? Schedule an appointment with our repair shop.
An Introduction to the Houghton Horns Mouthpieces
Houghton Horns mouthpieces possess striking external profiles with uniquely balanced rims, cups, bores, back-bores, and shanks. The entire line was designed by Mark Houghton and Derek Wright, and manufactured by...