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20 Questions with James Gourlay
James Gourlay is a Tuba virtuoso, Artistic & General Director of the River City Brass Band, newly appointed Director of Bands at Duquesne University’s Mary Pappert School of Music and...
Private Teaching Studio Policies & Guidelines
When I was growing up, both of my parents maintained private studios for teaching French horn. I can scarcely remember a week passing without students visiting our house for regular...
Kendall Betts Horn Camp 2021 – The Online KBHC Experience
Houghton Horns is proud to once again partner with KBHC this summer! The Online KBHC Experience will occur June 21-26, 2021. It will feature a daily schedule that includes warm-ups...
Baylor University Summer Music Camps
For over 40 years, Baylor University Summer Music Camps have offered amazing opportunities for musical growth. The 2021 sessions will feature BU faculty in an engaging virtual experience. Click here...
Cor Dallas Horn Camp
Houghton Horns is proud to sponsor Cor Dallas Horn Camp 2021! Click here for more info and registration.
What do we look for in a French horn?
Join Mark Houghton and Dr. Derek J. Wright as they discuss the qualities they value in French horns.
A look at the new Laskey horn mouthpieces
Do the new Laskey horn mouthpieces play the same as the ones made by Scott Laskey? Join Dr. Derek J. Wright as he takes a look at the relaunch of...
The Tools We Use to Maximize Our Practice Sessions with Mark Houghton and Dr. Derek J. Wright
The Tools We Use to Maximize Our Practice Sessions with Mark Houghton and Dr. Derek J. Wright
How much should you spend to get a professional French horn? A look at the Lewis-Dürk LDx5 “Rhenish”
What is a “professional” French horn? Is it any better than less expensive horns? Do I need to have one? Explore these questions and more as we take a look...
Sharing Notes with Spike
One of my favorite people in the horn world is Lowell (“Spike”) Shaw. Not only is he a talented horn player and composer, but he is absolutely one of the...
Hornswoggle 2021
The Hornswoggle French Horn Workshop serves students, amateurs, professionals and educators with growth, recruiting, and networking opportunities within the Horn community. Communal learning opportunities abound in a relaxed atmosphere, free from the interruptions...
Comparing Schilke Horn Mouthpieces
Join Dr. Derek J. Wright as he explores a new arrival to Houghton Horns’ shop, Schilke horn mouthpieces! Hear them all played and compared.