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Let’s talk about French horn cases!
Join Dr. Derek J. Wright as he discuss some of the different detachable bell French horn cases available and the things you should consider when shopping for a new case!
ITF 2021 Retrospective
I just finished a special week hanging with the most enthusiastic people. There was an amazing spirit of fraternity and mutual support at the International Trombone Festival. Bravo to all...
Should you go to music school?
Join Dr. Derek J. Wright and Mark Houghton as they discuss the question, “Should you go to music school?” Is it a fruitful pursuit or a complete waste of time...
New Marcus Bonna MB-8 and MB-8M — Explained
I wanted to share a few thoughts on the new MB-8/8M cases that arrived at our shop recently. Some of you may remember the old MB-8, but this newly redesigned...
How can I improve high range on French horn?
As an educator and clinician, I am asked this question frequently. Hopefully I can provide some answers for those of you who are interested in helping yourself or others in...
What does it mean to “center” a note and why is it so important?
Most brass players have been told at some point in their life to “center” their notes better, usually without much more information as to what that means or how to...
Houghton Horns Presents – Online KBHC Experience 2021
For Kendall Betts Horn Camp this year, Karen Houghton, Dr. Derek J. Wright, and Dennis Houghton were invited to lead informative video presentations! Karen shares her thoughts and experience on private teaching beginning...
ITF 2021
ITF 2021, the 50th anniversary of the ITF/ITW will be held July 14-17 at the Schwob School of Music of Columbus State University in Columbus, GA. Dr. Bradley Palmer will...
Right-Hand Position on the Horn: tips & techniques for young players
Though many professional horn players utilize slightly different right-hand positions, all of us can agree that the hand should be inserted far enough into the bell to control tone and...
20 Questions with Ellen Dinwiddie Smith
Ellen Dinwiddie Smith has been a member of the Minnesota Orchestra since 1993 and currently serves as third horn. Smith is Adjunct Professor of Horn at the University of Minnesota...
Categorizing a Trombone
Anatomy of a Trombone Hand Slide Valve Tuning Slide F-Attachment Slide Bell Leadpipe Types of Trombone Tenor Trombone Most beginners start on a tenor trombone, and that’s what most people...
What is BIAS and what can it tell us about French horn playing?
BIAS (the Brass Instrument Analysis System) is a piece of software/hardware and can analyse different aspects of a brass instrument. But is there anything it can tell us that can...