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What’s in a Name?
A while back, we wrote an article about how we should call the horn ‘the horn’, rather than ‘the French horn’, as per the 1971 clarification of the topic issued by...
What’s That Spot? Identifying Marks on Your Brass Instrument
A brass instrument can be a huge investment, so owners definitely want to keep them in tip-top shape. We hear from customers who are worried about a strange spot on their instrument....
Choosing the Correct Rim Inner Diameter for your French Horn Mouthpiece
Many manufacturers of French Horn mouthpieces offer their models in different inner diameters. Laskey offers their “G” mouthpiece in sizes ranging from 17 mm to 18.5 mm (725G-85G). Our Verus...
Top Tips for New Band Members
Are you joining a middle school or high school band this year? We asked some teachers and former band students for advice for the newcomers. Practice, Practice, Practice Band is...
Top Tips for Incoming Music Majors
The big moment is here. Finally you’re packing your bags, saying your goodbyes, and heading off into the unknown. Here are some tips for helping you settle in at college...
20 Questions with Brian Hecht
Brian Hecht, a native of Dallas, Texas, was recently awarded the newly-created position of Utility Trombone with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. He will be coming to Dallas from the Atlanta...
Should young people with thick lips be discouraged from playing the French horn?
It’s been said many times by band directors and teachers that students with larger lips should be discouraged from playing French horn, and that those with thin lips will have...
TBA Retrospective
My personal reflections on TBA 2021… Like many other people, this was my first convention in 16 long months. Houghton Horns has had to be creative and flexible during the...
How to Successfully Collaborate: tips on working with a pianist
As brass players, we are very fortunate to have many incredible solos written for us. In order to present the vast majority of these works, we’ll end up working with...
French Horn Talk: Alexander 103 and Yamaha 871DU
Join Dr. Derek J. Wright as he dicusses two French horns currently at Houghton Horns, the Alexander 103 and the Yamaha 871DU. The Alexander 103 is the stereotypical European French...
Transposition Teaching Tips for French Horn
Full disclosure: like so many other horn players of my age, my earliest transposition experiences in high school consisted of assignments from the Kopprasch book played in various keys. However,...