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2021 Black Friday Deals!
November 22 – 29, 2021 Only Qualifying purchases will receive a eGift card in the following amounts: $15 eGift card upon the purchase of $60 or more on any one-piece...
The Big Decision: Auditioning for Music Schools
So you’ve decided to major in music — congratulations on making such a huge life decision! (If you’re still unsure and want to read some more on being a music...
HORNS LOUD AND PROUD: The importance of dynamics for young horn players
Beginners who are encouraged to play with a big, relaxed sound will eventually develop a more refined tone as they progress. Even though the first sounds may be a bit...
It’s Aliiiiiiiiiive! Long-term Storage and Retrieval of Brass Instruments
When we pick up a musical instrument, we all intend to stick with it for the rest of our lives. Unfortunately, sometimes interest wanes or other life obligations intervene, and...