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Ten Tips for Starting (and Maintaining!) Your Own Private Teaching Studio
So you want to start teaching private lessons but aren’t sure what to do? Every teacher and situation is different, so these tips are not meant to be “rules,” just...
Why do we call it a “French” horn?
The name “French horn” is pretty misleading in all honesty, but it’s the most common name for the instrument in the United States. Why is it that, to a majority...
Should I Get a C Trumpet?
Beginner or Casual Enthusiast Nearly all beginners in the US start on Bb trumpets. Most bands have students playing Bb trumpet parts and not C trumpet parts. Students generally...
Is it Time to Upgrade to a New Trumpet?
If you are considering upgrading your trumpet, but you’re not sure if it’s the right time, you can ask yourself these questions.
Yamaha 2023 Sounds of Spring Rebate Program
Certain intermediate and professional level Yamaha instruments may qualify for a $50-100 rebate if purchased between April 10, 2023 - June 30, 2023. The customer must apply for the rebate here,...
Top 10 Problems Facing Beginner Trombonists (And How You Can Help!)
Interested in how to help your beginning trombonist improve? Read up on our
October is over, the weather is finally cooling off, marching band is beginning to wind down…But just as things are settling down, two words strike terror in the minds of...
Choosing Leadpipes for Your Trombone
Why do leadpipes make a difference for trombone players? The leadpipe is the first point of contact with the trombone, so it's very important to discover which leadpipe works best for you....
Inspecting For And Dealing With Shipping Damage
Congratulations on your new instrument purchase! The utmost care and attention has been given in readying your instrument for shipping. However, even with the greatest preparation, occasionally an instrument may...
Polishing Brass Instruments
All instruments experience natural wear and tear. Regular maintenance such as oiling the valves, greasing the slides and cleaning the horn will help maintain good mechanical condition. However, how do...
Hanging by a Thread - Our Favorite Varieties of Rotor String
If you buy rotor string from Houghton Horns, you might receive one of two types of rotor string: 1. The bright yellow stuff. It has a more stiff feel, which some...
Lubricant Substitution Chart
A few notes of warning regarding this chart: 1. If you must change lubricant brands, try to remove as much of the old lubricant as possible from the instrument before applying...